Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Horror: Gonzales v. Carhart

Hell and all it's Angels could not have written a more horror filled decision than the U.S. Supreme Court wrote on April 18, 2007. These five men -- these empty robes, wrote with a cold heart and a depraved and reprobate mind.

See theses horrific excerpts from Gonzales v. Carhart --

Ripping arms and legs off are less shocking
"The medical profession, furthermore, may find different and less shocking methods to abort the fetus in the second trimester, thereby accommodating legislative demand."
"The Act prohibits intact D&E; and, notwithstanding respondents’ arguments, it does not prohibit the D&E procedure which the fetus is removed in parts."
"The Court in Stenberg interpreted “‘substantial portion’” of the fetus to include an arm or a leg. 530 U. S., at 939. The Act’s anatomical landmarks, by contrast, clarify that the removal of a small portion of the fetus is not prohibited."
"Respondents have not shown that requiring doctors to intend dismemberment before delivery to an anatomical landmark will prohibit the vast majority of D&E abortions. The Act, then, cannot be held invalid on its face on these grounds."

Decision will not stop one late-term abortion

"The question is whether the Act, measured by its text in this facial attack, imposes a substantial obstacle to late-term, but previability, abortions. The Act does not on its face impose a substantial obstacle, and we reject this further facial challenge to its validity."

Court suggests other method for killing child
"If the intact D&E procedure is truly necessary in some circumstances, it appears likely an injection that kills the fetus is an alternative under the Act that allows the doctor to perform the procedure."

It was a win for pro-life ministries that supported it but a failure for the pre-born, common decency or moral truth.

I wept in anguish over the celebration of this decision by Christians everywhere.

I beg those who support life to read for your self.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I remember a time when i use to think abortion was a woman's right to choose. I really thought at the first trimester the baby was nothing but tissue and had no feeling. I am so glad that I found out the ttuth. I am carring a blessing right now. This baby is not a tissue but a life. I know that there is hope for others to learn this truth also. They just need to learn the facts.