Sunday, April 22, 2007

Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Saves: 0

Partial-Birth Abortion is no longer legal and many pro-aborts are now boasting correctly that the decision will not stop one abortion -- not one.

Yet no Christian leader supporting this ban ever told us this. We have been putting so much time and energy and money into banning Zyclon-B. You know, the chemical the Nazi's used to exterminate Jews by the millions. It was cheaper than bullets and less demoralizing on the Nazi soldiers than shooting women and children.
This time the Christian leadership have helped the pro-aborts find a more humane way of slaughtering children.

A liberal article on gets the issue surprisingly correct.

The author asks why pro-lifers fought for this ban when --
"The only real difference for the fetus is where the abortion occurs"

. . . and then she answers her own question by stating --
"The real reason the anti-abortion movement picked this particular fight was simple. They could win it."

And I will add -- they could raise more money.

How did our new Pro-life heroes vote
The new pro-life judges, John Roberts and Samuel Alito, that James Dobson, Jay Sekulow, Pat Robertson, the AFA, and almost every other Christian leader recently supported did not join Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia in saying that the right to abortion should not exist. And none of them wrote anywhere that a pre-born baby has a right to life.

We know that Thomas and Scalia are only against Roe vs. Wade because they think it is a states rights issue not because they think the pre-born has a right to life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.