Thursday, August 10, 2006

AFA supports liberal socialist law

Ala Carte Cable law
The American Family Association has done it again. In an effort to take on filth in the media the AFA has resorted to supporting legislation that forces Cable companies to offer channels ala carte rather than in grouped packages.

Of course it would be great for all consumers to be able to choose your cable plan this way. But what about the cable company? It is after all the cable company's company. Right?

I can think of about a half dozen good reasons why they structure their prices that way.

Getting the issue really wrong
Now the AFA is a great organization and their strategy to go after advertisers for supporting filth has been very very effective.

But one of the things that I have rarely (if ever) seen the AFA do is to call for sexual and inappropriate content be recriminalized. After all it has only been decriminalized for several decades.

Cable companies should be allowed to structure their rates any way they please but they should not be allowed to air explicit content.

It is that simple. But when we sidestep the real issue in order to not seem harsh or fanatical we end up resorting to things like liberal socialism.

The AFA would never stand for legislation that dictated that a Christian music company had to offer individual songs instead of only selling albums, or a Christian book of short stories had to offer each short story separately.

I am sorry to say it --

AFA -- you are a hypocrite.

Lets start getting back to the core issues of right and wrong, be bold and declare the truth without shame.

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