Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Vox Populi

What is up with Christiandoms love affair with Democracy? The AFA started a new website www.valuevoters.com that states --

--Americans are blessed to have a "government of the people, by the people, and for the people.--

It reminds me of the latin phrase "Vox Populi", the voice of the people. Like somehow the voice of the people is a good or righteous thing. As a general rule the majority are evil.

The voice of the people voted to let Barabas, the murderer, go free and they all cried out with one voice to crucify Jesus Christ. They all cried out, "Let his blood be upon our hands." In Rome the voice of the people lusted after bloodshed. They wanted to see men violently kill each other in an arena, and chanted to see even more violent deaths.

What does God think of the voice of the people? Well, Korah had a large group of the the representatives of the people decide that Korah should lead Israel instead of Moses. They voted him in. God had all the "Republicans" stand together away from the rest of Israel, then He opened the earth and sucked them down straight to hell.

Don Wildman, we are not fortunate that we have a democracy. We are fortunate that we have freedom to speak the truth. That is what we should do. --Speak truth. Worship God, not a system of civil government men have created.

Not only are the majority evil but most people are not qualified to make major moral and civil decisions. The average person's world view can be defeated in under 8 seconds.

The voice of the people is a voice of confusion.
The voice of the people is a voice of ignorance.
The voice of the people is a voice of apathy.
The voice of the people is a voice of a sucker. There is one born every minute.

The people like to
...kill the unborn
...and steal from the rich.

When I hear the term "Vox Populi", I envision the masses shaking their fists at God saying...

"The voice of the people."
"Power to the people."
"We shall rule ourselves."
"We shall ascend to heaven." (Gen. 11:3)
"We are a god unto ourselves."

So much for a "government of the people, by the people, and for the people."

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