Friday, April 11, 2008

Scalia: we should vote on murder

Antonin Scalia, the Supreme Court Justice, is promoted by Christian leaders to be a hero.

Dr. James Dobson wanted judges appointed by President Bush to be "in the mold of a Scalia or Thomas".

In March Scalia spoke at a University of Central Missouri and made the following comments (pulled from the Columbia Tribune).

"The reality is the Constitution doesn't address the subject at all," Scalia said of abortion. "It is one of the many subjects not in the Constitution which is therefore left to democracy.

"If you want the right to an abortion, persuade your fellow citizens it's a good idea and pass a law. If you feel the other way, repeal the law."

Of torture, Scalia said: "It's a bad thing to do. But not everything that is bad is unconstitutional."

He suggested that every federal judge "be issued a stamp pad … and a stamp, and you would whack it on the pad and stomp it on the paper, and it says, 'Stupid but Constitutional.' "

Lets go back in time 55 years ago and listen to what might have taken place with this same kind of thinking.

Spoof courtesy of Antonin Scalia.

Remember: Ideas have consequences. Handle them with care.

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